The Film

mane [man] pron.; Wolof - ME; MOI; ICH


(Austria, Senegal 2020 | 55 min)

Original languages
Wolof, Diola, French

nglish, French, German


MANE (english)

Two young women - two stories.

A rapper in Dakar and a wrestler in southern Senegal: Toussa and Emodj.

They both strive for victory and recognition in male-dominated spheres and a patriarchal society. A battle with words and visionary lyrics for a better society, and a fight with hard physical training for victory in the arena. "Mane" - "Me“ in the language Wolof - tells a modern, positive and trend-setting story of two young women and their universal truth: only we ourselves can bring about change, out of our own ambition and will.

MANE (français)

Deux jeunes femmes — deux histoires.

Une rappeuse à Dakar et une lutteuse au sud du Sėnégal: Toussa et Emodj.

Ce qu’elles ont en commun, c’est l’aspiration qu’elles partagent au regard de la victoire et de la validation qu’elles recherchent dans des sphères dominées par les hommes et une société patriarchale. Une lutte lyrique et visionnaire motivée par des mots qui désire une société meilleure, et un énorme effort physique qui veut la victoire dans l’arène. “Mane“ - "Moi“ en langue Wolof, est l’histoire de deux femmes et de leur vérité universelle dans une société moderne, positive et futuriste. Si nous voulons transformer, c’est à nous de le faire. Nous le pouvons, á force d’ambition et de volonté.

MANE (deutsch)

Zwei junge Frauen – zwei Stories.

Eine Rapperin in Dakar und eine Wrestlerin im südlichen Senegal: Toussa und Emodj.

Ihnen beiden gemeinsam – das Streben um Sieg und Anerkennung in männerdominierten Sphären und einer patriarchalen Gesellschaft. Ein Kampf mit Worten und visionären lyrics für eine bessere Gesellschaft, und ein Kampf mit hartem Körpertraining für den Sieg in der Arena. „Mane“ - „Ich“ in der Sprache Wolof - erzählt eine moderne, positive und zukunftsweisende Geschichte von zwei jungen Frauen und ihrer universellen Wahrheit: Nur wir selbst können es schaffen etwas zu verändern, aus eigenem Ehrgeiz und Willen.


Astou "Toussa" Gueye

Jeannette "Emodj" Sambou

Isabelle Sambou

Alette Diatta

Marie-Thérèse Manga

Oumy Kalsoum Fall

Ina Ndeye Fatou Thiam

Pape Gueye

Élisa Marie "D-Freezy" A. Diatta

Simon Diatta


A film by

Sandra Krampelhuber


Jean Diouf

Michel Tsagli

Nazir Cissé


Michel Tsagli


Karam Jakob Al-Ghossein

Production Assistant

Elhadj Maguette Thiam

Sound Assistant

Elhadj Maguette Thiam

Alarba Bousso

Audio Postproduction

Christian Ghahremanian


Anatol Bogendorfer


Andreas Rhomberg

Gestalt Mediendesign


Cheikh Séné

Idrissa Djiba
Mahamadou Diatta

Sandra Krampelhuber

Catherine Penderia


Konstantin Altreiter

Aguétène, Charles & Vincent Sambou


The documentary film "Mane" aims to further deconstruct stereotypical images about the continent Africa by telling a modern and positive story of female self-empowerment. A film marked by Toussa's and Emodj's humanity, empathy and sense of community. Their vibrant, determined characters stand as universal symbols for all women who want to free themselves from predetermined social constraints. Not only are they role models of their communities, but for all of us. They carry a universal truth within them: Only we ourselves can bring about change, out of our own ambition and will. Toussa and Emodj have already won for a long time, because of their passion for what they do. They are shining winners simply because they swim against the tide and do not get tired of it. They are also cultural warriors: Emodj as the bearer of hope for the survival of her Diola culture and Toussa as the spokesperson of her generation through the medium of rap. Their strength and self-confidence are determined by their own African identity - an inspiration for us all.

Sandra Krampelhuber, 2019